When God Says Your Name

About a month ago while sleeping I heard a loud voice say, “TIFFANI!”.

It was so loud it woke me up. 

Now, if you’re not spiritual that may startle you. And if you are spiritual it may startle you. It startled me.

I spent the next day or so trying to figure out what to do next and then I decided to fast.

Fasting has become my first line of defense. It’s my go to when I need clarity and when I need help.

I talked to a friend about what I experienced and he mentioned that Samuel, in the Bible, had a similar experience. An aside – get some friends who know the Word! It will change your LIFE!

Here’s the scripture – 1 Samuel 3: 8-11

 8 So the Lord called a third time, and once more Samuel got up and went to Eli. “Here I am. Did you call me?”

Then Eli realized it was the Lord who was calling the boy. 9 So he said to Samuel, “Go and lie down again, and if someone calls again, say, ‘Speak, Lord, your servant is listening.’” So Samuel went back to bed.

10 And the Lord came and called as before, “Samuel! Samuel!”

And Samuel replied, “Speak, your servant is listening.”

11 Then the Lord said to Samuel, “I am about to do a shocking thing in Israel.

After talking with my friend and reading the scripture, I started praying and saying, “Speak Lord, your servant is listening”.  While I was glad God got my attention, I was also concerned. What did He want me to know? What do I need to do? I did this for a couple of weeks and everything started to change.

It was rapid change ya’ll and I’m still piecing things together but I’m glad God got my attention and  that I was aware enough to listen.

Has God been trying to tell you something? How do you know? I don’t always hear an audible voice. That’s new. But hearing my name got my attention for sure!

What do you do to ensure you hear God when He speaks? Do you fast?  Do you tune everyone out? Do you go to your quiet place and sit in silence? Do you meditate?

I feel like God has us, all of us, in a unique place. He’s trying to get our attention. What God is trying to tell us and/or show us is never done. He speaks to us in lots of ways, we just have to listen.

If you can, try to find some still moments during this time. Incline your ear to His voice. God is trying to tell you something. Don’t miss it.




Strong Women


He Turned It – Mother’s Day Edition