Thank God For The Rain

While talking to my aunt recently she said, "you won't know until it rains." We weren't having a relationship-related conversation but that statement hit me in a supernatural way.

Think about the last time you realized someone was a good friend. Now, think about other significant relationships. When did you know it was real?

Whether it lasted a season or a lifetime there was a point in time when you knew that person was for keeps.

One of my all time favorite songs is Can You Stand The Rain, by New Edition.

Here's my favorite part,

On a perfect day, I know that I can count on you/when that's not possible/ tell me can you weather the storm..

I've grown to realize this -

How someone cares for and comforts you while you're in a storm is one way to determine if you should keep them around.

I remember instances when I really needed the person I was dating to come through for me and for whatever reason, they didn't.

Now, as someone who is actively dating - I know that's a sharp turn from what I've said before - I've been wondering, how do I know? Then, the other day, while talking to my aunt it became clear - you'll know when it rains!

There is going to be rain. Rain signals a change in seasons (hopefully), encourages the growth process, and in some ways, makes things new and beautiful. Rain also reveals.

Rain can show you what works and what doesn't and what's growing and what isn't meant to grow. Rain is powerful!

Can they stand the rain? Only time will tell. You'll just have to wait it out. God will show you and when He does...believe Him!

Whether it works or not, whether you get married or not, whether you're still single or not the Lord always reveals! Regardless of how it turns out, make sure you thank God for the rain!

Happy Waiting


The Victory Lap


The Talk