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During a recent talk with my therapist she asked about my father. I hadn’t really talked about him much (you can learn more about him here) and once she added everything up she said, “You’re resilient.”
Also, while in a virtual meeting at work a while back, a coworker described me as steadfast.
What’s interesting is the word steadfast is on the list of personal core values I wrote in 2018 and on a personal mission statement I wrote the following year.
While praying this evening, I thanked God for these qualities. I thanked Him today knowing I wouldn’t have thanked Him for these qualities years ago.
These qualities haven’t been easy to come by and in all honestly, He’s still testing my resilience but I am grateful for the strength and endurance He’s given me because it’s led to a beautiful life.
A recent trip down memory lane showed me just how far I’ve come, and today while cleaning, I found a thank you note from a friend that said, “I always appreciate the reminders about our journey. Sometimes we forget how far God has taken us.”
It’s something I love to report. I love seeing testimonies unfold. And more than that, I love saying “Remember when… and look what God has done!”
I hope you take the time to listen to those around you and praise and thank God for how far He’s brought you. He’s not done yet but MY GOD, just like at the end of the first days, what He’s done in you is GOOD!