One Hundred
This is my hundredth blog post! Please take a moment to celebrate with me!
In this blog I’ve shared 100 ways God has transformed me over the last 4 years. There were times when I was reluctant to press publish or didn’t share on my social media pages because my posts were so vulnerable and so raw. But now, vulnerability comes more easily and I feel more free than I’ve ever felt.
At the top of the year, before knowing we’d face a pandemic and even before I knew I’d change my blog name and site, I accepted what a I heard at a revival – that 2020 is a year of ministry.
This blog, and the original from which it was birthed, is my ministry. It’s me giving the world what God has so freely given me – freedom, revelation, and renewal.
In this blog I’ve battled dating while celibate, healing while hurting, and forging ahead while holding the promises of God close to my heart.
I am becoming all that God has designed me to be and I’m so glad I get to share my journey with you!
Thank you for reading and continuing to read my blog. The best is yet to come!
With Gratitude,