A Double Portion in 2021
Tonight while on a call the facilitator asked for prayer requests. Over and over again I rehearsed my prayer requests only to decide not to speak.
And then she asked again.
And again - and again and every time she asked I bit my tongue and hid my requests in my heart.
After others had shared their prayer requests, she shared her own and then asked twice more for prayer requests. Still, while weighing the cost of vulnerability, I decided not to share and instead readied myself for prayer.
She led with a devotional - one that included the scripture I have on my cell phone's lock screen. Then she said "worry is worthless and praise is priceless" - a sentiment similar to what a friend and I'd discussed hours earlier over text.
Lastly, she said, as she was praying over us “...and a double portion for those who didn’t share their prayer requests". It was at that moment that I knew I was in the right place. I felt heard without speaking and loved beyond limits.
You see, I was almost an hour late to this call. I'd saved it in my phone weeks ago, saw the reminder earlier in the day and still managed to forget until I checked my email 50 minutes into the call.
But God!
He knew I’d miss everything else that was discussed but that I’d be right on time for the blessing!
With that said, there are many who follow this blog who I don’t know personally. And as a result, I wouldn’t know where to start if I wanted to offer prayer BUT I don’t have to know, God knows!
So I pray, that for every unspoken prayer, the ones you hold deep down in your heart, the ones you only share with God, that HE...in ALL of His might would give YOU a double portion. In Jesus' name. Amen.